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The Finals Patch Notes 1.5.0

Embark Studios kicks off the gaming year with The Finals patch Notes 1.5.0, a substantial update featuring exciting additions and enhancements.

The highlight of this release is the introduction of ‘Solo Bank It,’ the game’s inaugural limited-time solo mode, adding a thrilling twist to the competitive arena.

Beyond the new mode, players can expect a myriad of changes, including weapon balances, bug fixes, improved animations, and an expanded store offering a more diverse range of items.

This update also emphasizes fair play, with revamped detection methods to combat unfair play, reinforcing the commitment to a safe, fair, and enjoyable gaming environment.

The Finals Patch Notes 1.5.0

Balance Changes

  • Abilities
    • Charge N’ Slam
      • Fixed an issue where players could charge while stationary and stealing an extraction
    • Cloaking Device
      • Increased activation cost from 1s to 2s
      • Increased minimum required charge time to activate from 1.5s to 2.5s
    • Grapple Hook
      • Will no longer attach to objects that are attached to carriables
    • Guardian Turret
      • Will now shoot target dummies in the practice range
    • Mesh Shield
      • Decreased health from 1100 to 1000
    • Recon Senses
      • Increased activation cost from 1s to 1.5s
      • Decreased minimum charge time to activate from 2.5s to 2s
  • Gadgets
    • C4
      • Player damage decreased from 210 to 155
      • Player min damage decreased from 120 to 100
    • Flashbang
      • Cooldown decreased from 20s to 18s
    • Gas Mine
      • Cooldown increased from 25s to 27s
    • Incendiary Mine
      • Cooldown decreased from 30s to 27s
    • Vanishing Bomb
      • Cooldown decreased from 20s to 18s
    • RPG
      • Player damage decreased from 150 to 140
    • Stun Gun
      • Decreased duration of stun effect from 5s to 3.75s
    • Tracking Dart
      • Cooldown decreased from 15s to 13s
      • Added new Scoped Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier to the settings screen that affects the Tracking Dart
  • Game Modes
    • Bank It
      • Game show event start time reduced from minute six to minute four
    • Quick Cash
      • Game show event start time reduced from minute six to minute four
      • Team wipe respawn time increased from 17 to 18 seconds
    • Ranked Tournament
      • Team wipe respawn time increased from 25 to 26 seconds
    • Tournament
      • Team wipe respawn time increased from 25 to 26 seconds
      • Tournaments will now unlock after players have completed one round, reduced from 12
  • Maps
    • Las Vegas
      • Updated destruction behavior to get more realistic destruction
      • Updated strain system to get more realistic destruction
      • Updated various ziplines in the level
  • Throwables
    • Deployable explosives such as C4, Breach Charges and Explosive Mines will now add mass to throwable objects, causing them to travel less far when thrown  
  • Weapons
    • Flamethrower
      • Damage increased from 28 to 30
    • LH1
      • Damage increased from 47 to 49
    • M11
      • Recoil pattern updated, to make the weapon easier to control
    • SH1900 Shotgun
      • Damage decreased from 12 to 10 damage per pellet
    • M60
      • Damage increased from 21 to 22
    • Riot Shield
      • Updated attack animations and hit sweeps, to make the weapon feel more responsive
      • Fixed issues where the Riot Shield could be invisible and still block bullets
      • Fixed an issue where the Riot Shield could block bullets while the player climbed a ladder
    • SA1216
      • Fixed an issue that allowed the weapon to be fired faster than intended
    • SR-84 Sniper Rifle
      • Added new Scoped Zoom Sensitivity Multiplier to the settings screen that affects the SR-84
    • Throwing Knives
      • Added new trail effects to make the projectiles easier to see
      • Shortened the lifetime of Knives stuck in metal surfaces
    • V9S
      • Damage increased from 35 to 36

Content And Bug Fixes

  • Animation
    • Updated some main menu weapon animations
    • Left-side inspection animations added to the following items:
      • AKM
      • CL-40
      • FCAR
      • Flamethrower
      • Goo Gun
      • Lewis Gun
      • LH1
      • M11
      • M60
      • MGL32
      • Model 1887
      • R.357
      • SA1216
      • SH1900
      • SR-84
      • Stun Gun
      • Tracking Dart
      • V9S
      • XP-54
  • Audio
    • Replaced an old unattenuated sound on the Glitch Trap
    • Fix a zip wire attachment sound that could play on the main menu
  • Characters
    • Fixed some issues where hair could clip visually with various headwear
    • Fixed some skinning issues that occurred on wrists
    • Fixed some skinning issues that occurred on gloves
  • Controller
    • Added an option that allows controller players to pick the priority order of Reload/Pick Up button actions
  • Console
    • Fixed an issue that allowed Mouse and Keyboard to be enabled on some consoles
  • Crashes
    • Fixed a server crash where players could attach to ziplines and disconnect at the same time
    • Fixed a client crash that could be caused by certain outfits in the Battle Pass and Store screens
  • Disconnects
    • Fixed an issue where game servers could very rarely shut down early due to how players connected
  • Maps
    • General
      • Improved the floor number display in elevators
      • Fixed lingering smoke clouds that could appear during the end of round sequence
      • Fixed team logos not always streaming in during the end of round sequence
    • Monaco
      • Fixed an awning that partially clipped through the path of a zipline
      • Optimised lighting for the Fog and Storm weather types
    • Seoul
      • Fixed an initial spawn in Hospital that ran into a small dead end
      • Fixed some railings that could block bullets
    • Vegas
      • Fixed an issue where the map border blocked bullets and grenades
      • Fixed a ladder that sometimes caused players to get stuck
      • Fixed some issues with intersecting and floating assets
      • Fixed an issue where Las Vegas spotlights would sometimes be culled unexpectedly
  • Movement
    • Fixed an issue where players could slingshot themselves (aka ‘superglide’) by grinding against obstacles during vault interactions.
    • Vaulting
      • Fixed an issue where players could gain extreme speed by picking up objects that were being vaulted on
      • Updated vaulting to feel snappier and be more aligned to ledges
  • Quick Melee
    • Fixed an issue where players could use Quick Melee on ladders
  • UI
    • Fixed an issue where scoreboard text could be cut short
    • Fixed a ‘New’ label that could clip with the Play button in the main menu
    • Fixed an issue where ‘Tournament Winners’ text could be partially visible on both sides of the screen
    • Fixed an issue where player’s names could appear over their face in the end of round screens
    • Fixed an issue where the Career screen could jump during the first frame
    • Fixed an issue where hover VFX would not play on video thumbnails
    • Fixed an issue where some Weapon Charms and Stickers would become unequippable
    • Fixed an issue where total playtime would reset to 0 on the Career screen after 24 hours
    • Fixed an issue where the current gamepad bindings were lost when resetting the keyboard bindings
    • Fixed an issue with the crosshair that caused headshot hit indicators to show based on damage done, rather than hit location
    • Fixed an issue where player names above the health bar could sometimes get cut off
    • Fixed an issue where the subtitle preview would not hide correctly when exiting settings
    • Fixed team member names sometimes staying transparent after respawn
    • Fixed an issue that prevented player outlines on enemies appearing when looking through metal fences
    • Fixed an issue where some settings in the settings screen would not be affected by restoring default settings
  • VoIP
    • Set VoIP to be enabled by default on PC, with Push To Talk set as the default input (new installs only)
    • Set VoIP to be enabled by default on console, with Voice Activated set as the default input (new installs only)
  • Weapons
    • Fixed an issue where bullet dispersion/spread would not update if the player switched between items 
    • Throwing Knives will now have the correct skin when thrown 
    • Fixed cheat exploit with melee weapons
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