In the latest update, The Finals Patch Notes 1.4.0, Our favorite battle royale game undergoes a festive transformation, bringing a sack full of balance tweaks, quality-of-life enhancements, and an anti-cheat overhaul to the gaming table.
Additionally, the holiday spirit is in full swing with snowy landscapes in Monaco and surprise gifts awaiting contestants. Lets explore all the patch notes 1.4.0:
The Finals Patch Notes 1.4.0
These are the key highlights of the finals patch notes 1.4.0:
- Goo Gun – Resolved an issue where goo could obstruct the player’s path.
- Mesh Shield – Mesh Shield health has been dialed back to 1100 from 1250.
- Recon Senses – Activation cost for Recon Senses has been reduced to 1 from 2.
- C4 – C4’s max player damage takes a hit, reduced to 210 from 240, Max damage radius is now 1.6m from 2.4m, Self-damage multiplier increased to 1.3 from 1, Arming time added (1.6 seconds).
- Dome Shield – Dome Shield health has been trimmed to 300 from 350.
- Gas Mine & Glitch Mine – Arming time added for both Gas Mine and Glitch Trap (1.6 seconds).
- Goo Grenade – Addressed an issue where goo could impede player movement.
- Mine & Pyro Mine – Mine’s max player damage reduced to 140 from 160, Damage radius is now 3.5m from 4m, Arming time added (1.6 seconds).
- RPG-7 – RPG-7 sees multiple reductions: max player damage (150 from 165), min player damage (80 from 90), damage radius (4.5m from 4.75m), and max damage radius (1.5m from 2.5m), Aim-down sights and hip-fire dispersions have been slightly increased.
- Stun Gun – Expanded Stun Gun range to 12m from 10m.
- Game Show Events – Added a repulsor to the flying saucers in the ‘Alien Invasion’ event.
- Vegas – Buildings in Vegas now offer improved destruction results, Fixed an issue where cashout stations turned invisible prematurely.
Bankit – Deathmatch game show event is now disallowed in BankIt game mode.
- AKM – Slight adjustment to AKM recoil pattern.
- Flamethrower – Flamethrower’s fire rate increased to 170 from 160.
- LH1 – LH1 damage receives a boost to 47 from 45.
- Melee Weapons – Fixed a bug where melee hits didn’t consistently connect with enemy players.
- M11 – M11 damage increased to 16 from 15.
- Riot Shield – Fixed a bug allowing the shield to block bullets while invisible during interactions.
- SA1216 – Pellet dispersion for SA1216 increased slightly, Damage per pellet reduced to 7 from 8.
- Vaulting – Reduced instances of unintentional climbing on objects outside the player’s view, Fixed issues causing players to get stuck without input.
- Ziplines – Ziplines can no longer be placed on pickupables.
- UI – Various fixes applied to contestant screens, Social screen now hides the “Invite to party” button when not the party leader, Added a warning to the UI for players at risk of being AFK kicked, Player health bars now use squad color when selected in settings, UI indicates “unranked” status unless among the top 500 on leaderboards.
The Finals Patch Notes 1.4.0 not only introduces a flurry of holiday-themed content but also fine-tunes gameplay mechanics, weapons, and maps, ensuring a more balanced and enjoyable experience for contestants diving into the winter wonderland of this battle royale extravaganza.