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Goo gun shoots blobs of goo that solidify on impact, Useful for creating defenses.

Goo Gun Overview

The Goo Gun, designed as a specialized tool for Heavy Builds, offers a unique and potent ability for environmental manipulation in tactical scenarios.

Upon activation, this tool equips the user with the Goo Gun, enabling them to shoot adhesive blobs of Goo.

These Goo blobs, upon contact with surfaces, rapidly expand and solidify, forming effective barriers that block all projectiles and bullets.

This property makes them a popular choice for creating impromptu cover during intense firefights.

However, it’s crucial to note that Goo is highly susceptible to fire, which can swiftly destroy it and spread to adjacent Goo clusters.

The versatility of this specialization extends beyond defensive use. It proves effective in disabling turrets by obstructing their line of sight, and can even displace Cashout Stations when the blobs expand.

With a maximum capacity of 14 Goo blobs before reloading is necessary, users must strategically manage their resources.

The Goo Gun plays a pivotal role in objective control, offering a dynamic approach to defense and offense. When defending, creating cover for the team becomes a strategic element, forcing opponents to adapt quickly.

On the offensive side, the ability to disable turrets can turn the tide of a match, potentially leading to a game-winning Cashout steal.

However, it’s worth noting that using the Goo Gun comes at a cost—the user is temporarily unable to wield a normal weapon while it’s equipped.

Additionally, the Goo has limitations, as it cannot be built up indefinitely and will break off surfaces under its own weight after reaching a certain point.

Goo Gun Levels

There are 5 levels for this Specialization which you can complete by using the goo gun specialization in your matches. These are the 5 levels of this specialization:

  • Goo Gun (Level 1)
  • Dye Job Yellow (Level 2)
  • Dye Job Blue (Level 3)
  • Dye Job Red (Level 4)
  • Triangle Twinkle (Level 5)


Other than the dye job skins there are other skins which are available for goo gun, These skins can be bought by multibucks or by completing the battlepass.

  • Eerie Ossuary
  • Scrapyard Scars
  • Diamonds Diamonds
  • Tinfoil Takedown


These are the list of all the weapon charms which can be attached to the goo gun specialization, These charms comes with 4 types common, rare, epic and legendary.

  • Proof Of Entry (Default)
  • Frankly Daring
  • Maki-ng Friends
  • Arena Decorum
  • Frontside Air
  • Immortal Ink
  • Lil’ Rusty
  • Poke The Bear
  • Sometimes Scoops
  • Worldly Acclaim
  • Trippy Trinket
  • Dokidoki Panda
  • Tama View
  • Totalizer
  • Chillaxin’
  • Ghoulish Allure
  • Virtuoso’s Grace
  • Peek-A-Boo
  • Portatama
  • Fleet-Footed Flight
  • Thread Spinner
  • Ante-Dote
  • Die Happy
  • Flat-Tastic Fob
  • Slick Stoppie
  • Small Encounters
  • Volpe Dataglove
  • Central Heating
  • Finals Checkout
  • Hammer Home
  • Itsy-Bitsy Buckler
  • Bling Bling
  • Golden Opportunity


This is the list of all the stickers that can be applied to the goo gun specialization. These stickers comes with 4 types common, rare, epic and legendary.

  • Contestant Crest
  • Sparkle Sparkle
  • Dream Trotter
  • Envy This
  • Last Light
  • Tama Gloom
  • Lil’ Rusty
  • Pineapple Purikura
  • Sunburst Into Action
  • Tsundere Air
  • Golden Element
  • Holtow Quote
  • Meow Marker
  • Sweet Pandmonium
  • L.E.Decal
  • Smoldering Sockets
  • Starting Lineup
  • Chip In
  • Peaceful Arrival
  • Romance Rift
  • Stranger Danger
  • Arena Acrobat
  • Hide Away
  • On Your Marks
  • Phalanx Starter
  • Power Of Perception
  • Strong Safety
  • Tama Joy
  • Thermal Whiskers
  • Holtow Insured
  • Moomentus Liftoff
  • Volpe Virtual


These are the different animations that can be used for the goo gun currently there are only standard animations for the goo gun specialization available in the finals, when the new animations for the goo gun get’s released we will update it.

  • Deploy – Standard show
  • Tactical Reload – Standard Show
  • Empty Reload – Standard Show
  • Inspect – Standard Show

All The Finals Specializations

These are the finals specializations, We have differentiated them based on their build: light, medium, and heavy.

Light Build Specializations

Medium Build Specializations

Heavy Build Specializations

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